Killings of two moose, shot and left to rot, under investigation in Maine

Local News

One animal was found in Washington County, and the other in Aroostook County. Officials don’t believe the incidents are related.

Authorities in Maine are investigating the illegal killings of two moose that were “left to waste” after being shot. 

Authorities in Maine are investigating two moose that were shot and left to waste. – Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

One moose was killed in Washington County, and the other in Aroostook County, according to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Officials do not believe the crimes are related.  

Maine Operation Game Thief, a nonprofit that works with the state government, is offering a $3,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for either killing. 

Game wardens received a report of a dead moose in the town of Baileyville in Washington County around midday on Nov. 10. Baileyville is located in eastern Maine, on the Canadian border. 

The animal was found about 70 yards off Grand Falls Road, officials said. Wardens determined that the moose was shot from the road on the morning of Nov. 10 between 8 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. 

In northern Maine’s Aroostook County, game wardens found a moose that was illegally killed on County Road 15, a logging road that runs east off Route 11. Officials received a report on Nov. 9 and determined that the animal was shot and left on the logging road sometime on the night of Nov. 8 or early in the morning of Nov. 9. 

Anyone with any information is encouraged to contact Operation Game Thief at 1-800-ALERT-US or by visiting

Moose hunting in Maine is strictly regulated. Hunters must acquire a permit, and only 4,105 were issued this year. Permittees are only allowed to kill one moose per year. Hunting seasons vary by location, beginning in mid-September and stretching through early November.